Friday, June 01, 2007

Insert Witty Subject

so....I will probably going to see New Found Glory (and many others) on the warped tour in august and the tour have a promo going vote for your fav band and they'll play fr an extra 10 minutes. soooo, vote for new found glory

David and I are going to see Bowling for Soup in July. Im excited to see them. I always miss them when theyre coming. anyway....I started my first full week at Fashion Bug. So far so good. Last Sunday, David and I went to the arboritum for a few hours, found a bench, and people and dog watched. it was fun watching all the dogs. I also found a frog. he was cute but jumping trough poision ivy so i couldnt catch him. After that We went to Salem Willows which i never knew was there and it was awesome. Its like a mini carnival by the water, well likea mini conoey island I guess, you get the picture. We had a little picnic there and then played soe skeeball, and I kicked David's ass in pinball. Then on Monday we drove up to Newburyport. Since it was memorial day, they were having a festival which was a nice suprise. Daivd bought be a cute stufed dog. Love it. We ate at the black cow which was
awesome. I ate soem muscles and haddock. I was soo
delishious. The waitress wanted to take our picture so we let her lol. We walked by the water and sat down watching all the families and dogs. There was this adorable little girl we are still laughing about. She was feeding the seagulls and she scared one away and a feather fell off and she grabbed the feather and screamed "Mr. Bird! You forgot your feather!!" I guess you had to be there, but we're still laughing about it. umm....a catapillercrawled on me...This weekend We're planning on going to goodtimes so he can TRY to beat me in pinball. Sunday, we're just going to lounge around the house watch some movies. Our district manager is coming into work today so I need to look really nice "oooh youre the ew assistant manager?" I can just see it now....i'll try not to have a week between my posts this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That post made me feel good. Thanks!